Consulta médica PRE-viaje

Prepara tu viaje sin salir de casa ni perder tiempo en esperas.

Nuestro equipo de especialistas te asesora sobre las vacunas necesarias, te ayuda a planificar todo lo esencial para tu salud durante el viaje y te orienta sobre cómo prevenir problemas según tu destino y tipo de viaje.

Además, te damos recomendaciones para que disfrutes de tus actividades con seguridad y tranquilidad.

Viaja preparado, con el respaldo de expertos en medicina del viajero.

70 €
A collection of travel-related items is arranged on a map. Items include a camera with a strap, a lens cap, a passport, sunglasses, a knife, a smartphone, a tripod, and parts of a pair of shoes. All these objects suggest preparation for a journey.
A collection of travel-related items is arranged on a map. Items include a camera with a strap, a lens cap, a passport, sunglasses, a knife, a smartphone, a tripod, and parts of a pair of shoes. All these objects suggest preparation for a journey.
Two yellow vaccination certificates with printed and handwritten details. The documents are related to smallpox vaccination and revaccination, featuring several dates, stamps, and signatures. The surface shows signs of wear, and the text is in multiple languages, including English and French.
Two yellow vaccination certificates with printed and handwritten details. The documents are related to smallpox vaccination and revaccination, featuring several dates, stamps, and signatures. The surface shows signs of wear, and the text is in multiple languages, including English and French.

Viaje Seguro

Viaja con la tranquilidad de que nuestro equipo te acompaña en todo momento.

Si surge un problema de salud, te atendemos de urgencia sin importar la hora o el lugar.

Contamos con una red de apoyo internacional para coordinar atención médica presencial si la necesitas, además de intérpretes y mediadores culturales para facilitar la comunicación. No dejes que un imprevisto arruine tu viaje.

Disfruta con seguridad, sabiendo que estamos aquí para cuidarte.

50 €

Consulta post-viaje

Si regresas con algún problema de salud, nuestro equipo experto en patología importada y medicina del viajero te brindará la atención que necesitas. Estamos especializados en medicina geográfica y enfermedades tropicales, asegurando un diagnóstico y tratamiento precisos.

Además, podemos evaluar tus informes médicos para facilitar cualquier gestión con tu seguro de viaje.

Viaja con la seguridad de que, a tu regreso, seguimos cuidando de ti.

50 €
A collection of travel-related items is arranged on a map. Items include a camera with a strap, a lens cap, a passport, sunglasses, a knife, a smartphone, a tripod, and parts of a pair of shoes. All these objects suggest preparation for a journey.
A collection of travel-related items is arranged on a map. Items include a camera with a strap, a lens cap, a passport, sunglasses, a knife, a smartphone, a tripod, and parts of a pair of shoes. All these objects suggest preparation for a journey.
A medical examination room with a computer on a desk, storage shelves filled with medical supplies, and a BMI chart on the wall. The desk contains various bottles, papers, and electronic equipment. The room is equipped with medical gloves and a sharps disposal container mounted on the wall.
A medical examination room with a computer on a desk, storage shelves filled with medical supplies, and a BMI chart on the wall. The desk contains various bottles, papers, and electronic equipment. The room is equipped with medical gloves and a sharps disposal container mounted on the wall.


Imágenes de nuestras consultas y servicios de medicina del viajero.

A person wearing a medical mask receives an injection in the upper arm from a healthcare worker in a yellow uniform. The setting appears to be a medical or clinical environment with tiled walls and a cart with supplies in the background.
A person wearing a medical mask receives an injection in the upper arm from a healthcare worker in a yellow uniform. The setting appears to be a medical or clinical environment with tiled walls and a cart with supplies in the background.
A black and white photograph features a signboard standing on a pavement. The sign is related to a COVID-19 vaccination site, with text in Dutch advising visitors to wear a mask due to the inability to always maintain a distance of 1.5 meters. The background includes a tent or temporary structure.
A black and white photograph features a signboard standing on a pavement. The sign is related to a COVID-19 vaccination site, with text in Dutch advising visitors to wear a mask due to the inability to always maintain a distance of 1.5 meters. The background includes a tent or temporary structure.
A black and white photograph depicts a room filled with several people, including children and adults, engaging in what appears to be a medical examination or vaccination. The setting resembles a classroom or clinic, with a long table where children are being attended to by adults. The lighting is bright in the background, and there's a sense of orderliness and attention to the process at hand.
A black and white photograph depicts a room filled with several people, including children and adults, engaging in what appears to be a medical examination or vaccination. The setting resembles a classroom or clinic, with a long table where children are being attended to by adults. The lighting is bright in the background, and there's a sense of orderliness and attention to the process at hand.

Médico adjunto del HU. Ramón y Cajal Madrid, CSUR de Medicina Tropical Servicio de Enfermedades Infecciosas.

Experto en Medicina Tropical y Máster en Medicina Tropical y Salud Pública.

Dr. Diego Gayoso